took off from Vegas in the morning in order to catch the Guided By Voices LA show

during Motor Away this kid thought it was a Morrissey show

and total stage invasion began, and the band kept playing

Such a sick show... way better than the one in Vegas.  The crowd was all GBV's. 

then Chloe had a hook up and we went to the dressing room

Bob Pollard fan out

drinking from Bob's bottle that he almost finished on stage

but then when Bob saw Chloe, he looked like his mind was blown for a second and drunkenly said "Chloe Sevenyay... yer my favorite actress..."

"but my wife just thinks I want to fuck you..."

Then my brother and I had to get our pictures too...

and with Mitch Michell!

why is it every time I think about you
something that you have said or implied makes me doubt you?